Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fashion Fairness

HMRC has warned fashion labels against exploiting their interns andtreating them as employees - but without pay. The organisation sentcautionary letters to 102 fashion houses that exhibited duringLondon Fashion Week in September, who they have not named.
 "These letters give fashion houses plenty of warning thatthey are under scrutiny. If they are not playing by the rules, nowis the time to put things right. Non-payment of the nationalminimum wage is not an option," HMRC assistant director forNational Minimum Wage Michelle Wyer said. "Our message is clear:don't wait for us to come knocking on your door; put things rightnow and avoid a penalty and possible prosecution."
HMRC will carry out compliance checks in the New Year to makesure labels are not using unpaid interns. If the house or brand isfound to be using interns in a non-paid job capacity, they will beissued a financial penalty and the intern given a notice ofunderpayment, in which they will be back paid from the date theyfirst started work.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg today showed his support forthe HMRC's announcement.
"I strongly urge fashion houses and designer labels to make surethey are treating interns fairly," Clegg us today. "Where anindividual is entitled to the minimum wage they should receiveit. Internships provide valuable opportunities in opening updoors for the future and they should be available to everyone, notjust those who can afford to work for nothing.
"I welcome HMRC's action today and I encourage employers in thefashion industry to sign up to our Business Compact, where they can commit toreforming their internships schemes to ensure opportunities areavailable to young people from all walks of life."
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